July 4, 2024

Professional Ultimate Frisbee Player Inspires Many

Sports & Arts

Professional Ultimate Frisbee Player Inspires Many

By: Emily Ao

Professional ultimate frisbee player AJ Merriman competes with the best of the best. He competes with those who are successful, those who have already won championships in the past. It isn’t common for players to make it this far, yet Merriman has.

The 23-year-old has been doing the unbelievable for a long time. In high school, he led his own team, and won awards for doing so. Although he is young, age is merely a number, especially in his case. At the age of 23, Merriman is considered to be one of the best players in the world. Andrew Nguyen, one of Merriman’s past coaches, has announced to the public that he is a very persistent person who is willing to “bark” at opponents, never showing any signs of fear.

Merriman grew up in a lower-middle class household, as his single mother worked as a high school teacher. As a kid, Merriman never actually made it to the top ranks in his sport, and that’s what inspired him to thrive as a professional ultimate frisbee player. Merriman is breaking barriers and setting expectations for those who look up to him.

Source(s): https://eb18600f7bb2916037f5ee8e636ce199.cdn.bubble.io/f1691952526520x845209183902413600/AJ%20Merriman%20is%20trying%20to%20turn%20ultimate%20frisbee%20stardom%20into%20his%20career%20-%20The%20Washington%20Post.pdf

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