October 6, 2024

Red Dot

Creative Writing The Journal 2024

Red Dot

By: Xixi Zhu

The fridge must be like a new room for my cat Kori. He is a Golden British Shorthair kitten that is only four months old. Often, I feel like I can read his mind. Wow! Is that a new room? I wonder why it’s so cold and there is weird looking green food in it! Oh no! She closed it. I chuckle to myself, watching as Kori meows indignantly at the closed refrigerator door. His eyes are wide with curiosity and a hint of frustration. I imagine he’s thinking, how dare she close the door to the room? I reach down and scratch behind his ears, and he nuzzles into my hand, his earlier annoyance forgotten.

One day, I opened the fridge to pour myself a cup of milk. Suddenly, I noticed Kori, always curious and mischievous, had disappeared. After a frantic search, I realized with shock that he had somehow managed to slip into the freezer. Panic set in as I called out to him, but there was no response. My heart raced at the thought of my tiny kitten trapped in the cold. I tried to coax him out with treats and gentle calls, but he remained hidden and silent. The seconds felt like hours, and I could feel the chill of fear gripping me.
“Kori! Come here!” I called.

Then, in a moment of desperation, I remembered his favorite toy: the laser pointer. I grabbed it with trembling hands and shone the red dot into the freezer. His eyes lit up with curiosity and playfulness. Wearily, Kori followed the dot out of his icy hiding spot, his little paws padding on the cold surface.
Relief washed over me as I scooped him up, his fur cold to the touch but otherwise unharmed. I held him close, grateful that my little adventurer was uninjured. The laser pointer had saved the day, turning a terrifying moment into a tale of curiosity and rescue.

Image Credit by Karolina Kaboompics

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