September 17, 2024
Competition Winners The Journal 2024


By: Xixi Zhu

I am Kori, the fiercest feline protector of “my realm.” My days are typically filled with sunbathing on the windowsill, maintaining vigilance over the yard, and occasionally swatting at the silly ribbons my human dangles for my amusement. But today was different. Today, I faced the ultimate adversary: the Roomba.

This peculiar contraption has been a constant presence in our home, a round and noisy invader. At first, I watched from a safe distance, perched on my favorite chair. The Roomba whirred and beeped as it glided across the floor, apparently on a mission to consume every bit of dust. It didn’t take long for me to realize that this machine, with its relentless circles and sudden turns, was a threat to the sovereignty of my domain.

As the Roomba approached my territory—the corner where I keep my stash of treasured catnip toys—my instincts overpowered my thoughts. I leaped down from my perch, tail twitching in anticipation. My eyes locked onto the intruder, and I felt a surge of determination. It was time to defend my territory from this mechanical beast.

With a swift swipe of my paw, I made my first move. The Roomba didn’t flinch. Instead, it spun around and continued its path, undeterred by my warning. I realized then that this foe was not easily intimidated. I stalked it from behind, careful to stay clear of its sensors. I had to be strategic in my attack.
I pounced, landing squarely on top of the Roomba. It stopped momentarily, confused by my bold maneuver. I felt the vibrations beneath my paws and held my ground, refusing to let this thing move freely in my kingdom. My claws extended as I batted at its hard surface, hoping to find a way to disable its relentless advance. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw my human walking towards me—I had to act fast.

The Roomba, however, was persistent. It resumed its motion, spinning and pivoting, trying to shake me off. I rode it like a brave warrior, unyielding in my mission to protect my home. Eventually, my human intervened, gently lifting me off the Roomba and placing me back on the ground. The machine retreated to its charging station, its invasion temporarily halted.

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