October 7, 2024

Scientists Don’t Know Why There are Holes on the Ocean Floor

Science & Technology

Scientists Don’t Know Why There are Holes on the Ocean Floor

By: Cecilia Zhang

At the bottom of the Alantic Oceon there are holes in the sand, and scientists ‘dont know why. Scientist found the holes during a underwater exploration near Portugal’s mainland on July 23. Scientists saw that there were dozens of holes at the depth of 1.6 miles. A week later there were more holes where the three tectonic plates meet. The holes were around a mile deep.

Scientists don’t know what the holes are but think there considered to be Lebensspuren,which means life traces in German. The scientists are wondering what created the strange marks. The holes are 4 or more inches apart from each other and extends 5 to more than 6 feet.

“The origin of the holes has scientists stumped,” said the post on Twitter from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Ocean Exploration. “The holes look human made, but the little piles of sediment around them suggest they were excavated by … something.”

Around two decades ago twenty /seven miles from the location of sighting this year an explorer named Emily Crum. “There is something important going on there and we don’t know what it is,” Dr. Vecchione said. “This highlights the fact that there are still mysteries out there.”

“It reinforces the idea that there is a mystery that someday day we will figure out,” he said. “But we haven’t figured it out yet.”

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