October 7, 2024

Secret Australian marijuana facility exposes location after turning sky pink

Science & Technology

Secret Australian marijuana facility exposes location after turning sky pink

By: Bella Lee

Last Wednesday night, a pink glow appeared in the sky above Mildura, a town in Australia, leading to the uncovering of a mysterious marijuana facility.

The glow came from a medical cannabis facility just outside of Mildura, which revealed an undisclosed location. Security guards investigated into the source of the illuminating pink glow, and it attracted many people.

Residents living in Mildura found the illuminating pink glow to be very “bizarre,” taking to pointing and whispers.

According to the Washington Post, “the company normally uses blackout curtains to hide the red-spectrum LED lights used to encourage plant growth. But on Wednesday the curtains were left open for a time, sending a Bat-Signal that was visible for miles around the facility, located in the southeastern state of Victoria.”

Studies varying about medical marijuana have been published in reputable journals over the years, with many opinions surfacing surrounding the prescription of medical cannabis.

One such study said that the availability of medical marijuana varies in countries., and that some medicines that support medical cannabis are not “registered,”, as they had not undergone the process of checking if it’s safe or efficient.


1. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/07/23/australia-mildura-medical-marijuana-pink-sky/

2. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphar.2022.885655/full

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