October 6, 2024

Skater Chloe Covell Goes for Gold at Olympics despite finger injury

Sports The Journal 2024

Skater Chloe Covell Goes for Gold at Olympics despite finger injury

By: Yi Chen

Despite two fractured fingers, skateboarder Chloe Covell won’t let it stop her from becoming the youngest Australian Olympic gold medalist. She is the teen skater who accidentally fractured her finger at a training session in Los Angeles two weeks ago.

Covell, born in Australia, has won many awards in X games. She was inspired by Nyjah Huston, and guided by Tommy Fynn. Her current goal is to become the youngest Australian medalist.

Covell said, “Big injuries for me are, like, my wrists. I have little bones and I guess my wrists, the bones chip very easily, and my ankles, they always get chipped quite a bit and I’ve had a couple of stitches and stuff.” Chloe is worthy of joining the Olympian contest. At 14 years and 5 months, she can replace 1956 Olympian swimmer Sandra Morgan who holds the record for the youngest Olympic gold medalist.

Even though Covell stayed calm as she skated out of the Main Press Centre and towards the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. She said she was starting to feel a bit tense. According to Kids News, she said: “I’m definitely a little nervous because it is the biggest stage. The biggest competition and there are just famous people walking around everywhere.”

Every skater will each get four two-hour sessions in the upcoming days to practice their tricks. “You definitely need to figure out [your run] when I see the course, see the size and check it out,” she said. The Olympic contest formally starts from Friday, July 26 to Sunday, August 8.


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