October 8, 2024


Creative Writing


By: Lucas Ji

Bits of snow were being blown around in the air. Bob saw skiers rushing past him at great speeds. “So, this is skiing…” Bob said to himself “This doesn’t look too hard!” Bob was a confident and daring fellow, and this got him into troubles many times. He looked at the other skiers for a minute to see what they were doing, and quickly copied them. Bob slowly trudged up the lift and was soon up on an easy hill. Bob looked down and took a deep breath. He skied down the slope, remembering the YouTube video he had watched the day previously, and after a minute, he managed to reach the bottom. “Guess I’m a natural! Well, let’s try a harder hill,” he muttered to himself. Bob looked around for a challenge, and soon found himself on the lift to an off-terrain slope.

Bob got off the lift, confident, but quickly his confidence was shattered. He looked down at the clifflike slope and realized that it wasn’t for him. He took off his skis and trudged back to the lift but was shocked to hear the staff tell him that he could not take it back down. Walking down would take too long. It seemed that skiing was the only option. Reluctantly, Bob put on his skis and hoped for the best.

He decided skiing slowly down would be the safest option, but soon came to a frightening realization. The ice on the snow was cracking because of the heat, and if he kept going at this speed, he would fall into a snowbank. Bob decided to go as fast as he could and hope that he lived to tell the tale. At first, he managed to get down the steep slopes, but just as he was beginning to feel optimistic about the situation, he stumbled over a rock. After contemplating his life choices for a few minutes, Bob got up and forced himself to try again.

Bob sped down again, but this time was on the lookout for any obstacles, not realizing the danger right behind him. As snow began to fall across his back, he screamed “avalanche!!” and looked back in terror. After what seemed like hours, Bob opened his eyes to find himself buried in a pile of snow. He heard the sounds of snowmobiles and dogs, and then closed his eyes again. The next time he opened them, he found himself at the hospital.

I guess that’s the end of my skiing career, he thought, but why don’t I try shark surfing?

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