October 6, 2024

Stuck inside because of Covid-19 experience.

Creative Writing

Stuck inside because of Covid-19 experience.

By: Yuming Sun

Since 2020, our lives have really changed. People are staying inside, we have online school, and we started being super cautious and wiping everything to make sure it is clean. During 2020, we switched to virtual and it was awful. I always had that temptation to play games which I did and I’m pretty sure everyone else did as well. I didn’t eat any more school food, which was something new. However, the most difficult part was to get used to thinking that Covid was not everywhere. I kept thinking that everything I touched had Covid on it. So then I got into the habit of washing my hands after touching anything outside or anything that I thought was dirty. In addition, my mom started working at home and being SUPER cautious about everything. She sanitized the room when we left it and she started washing our clothes more often than before. However, we also didn’t get to go anywhere other than home. We were basically stuck while my mom ordered food and quarantined the food for 2 weeks before we could eat it. We were not allowed to eat cold food because apparently the virus likes to stay in the cold so hot foods were the only option. Then going back to school was a good thing. But I guess I’m part of the few who wear a mask. Many others don’t, which leads me to believe Covid is not that bad. But I somehow get that sense that if I get it, it will be bad. Recently, some family members got Covid which made me get locked up in a room for about a week. The experience made me more confused because they had a really bad case of the virus and the people at school just got better in a few days. Covid-19 is still spreading but the experience during it and the unusual and dumb things our family did because of Covid had me going and thinking. I really hope Covid could just end really soon. I really do not want to be doing this forever and I want life to return to normal where we don’t have to care about getting a virus that can kill people and just return to our normal lives where we aren’t locked up in buildings or we can’t eat anything we get out unless we bring it in and quarantine it.

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