October 7, 2024

Taylor Swift Eats Bug at her Eras Tour


Taylor Swift Eats Bug at her Eras Tour

By: Jessica Wang

Want an eye-opening experience on bug eating? Look no further than Grammy-winner Taylor Swift!

On the night of June 2nd during Swift’s Eras Tour in Chicago, Taylor Swift was introducing a new band member when she suddenly started coughing and choking.

“I swallowed a bug!” she said, while the audience started laughing, “It’s fine, it’s just stupid,” she added, reassuring herself. Swift then confidently declared that the bug was a delicious snack, but that, with any luck, she was “going to try not to do as many of those tonight.”

After the show, fans on Twitter began tweeting things like, “imagine being THE bug who got swallowed by THE taylor swift at the eras tour,” and “can you believe A BUG went to the eras tour AND met taylor swift and I DIDNT????”

This shows that fans were not bothered by the incident, rather they found it funny and made jokes about it.

Really, one bug out of a couple thousand was lucky enough to meet the all-famous popstar and a fairly quick end to life. Imagine if the bug was also attending the tour with its fellow bug friends, meeting their idol!

Fortunately, the concert was smooth after that little incident. Swift ate the bug like a champion and showed the world her commitment to the Eras Tour.





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