October 7, 2024


Creative Writing The Journal 2024


By: Adalyn Xiao

I think that telepathy would be the best supernatural power to have.

Telepathy would be helpful to understand peoples’ emotions and feelings more deeply. I would know immediately what others are thinking. On the downside, some people would want their thoughts kept private and they wouldn’t like it. Also, having telepathy means that you have to listen to peoples’ thoughts 24/7, and sometimes it might give you headaches.

If I had telepathy and someone else did too, we could “talk” with our brains. That would be easier and faster for communication, but it also might be hard with other peoples’ thoughts coming into your mind—it would be hard to tell which thoughts are which.

With telepathy you can also tell if someone is lying or deceiving you, this would protect me from bad people. For example, if I read someone’s mind and realize they are a criminal, I could find out what they are plotting and tell the police officers.

Telepathy would surely be an interesting and fun supernatural power to have, making communication easier and allowing you to understand emotions better. However, having it would make it hard to respect peoples’ privacy and boundaries. It would also be overwhelming to constantly hear other peoples’ thoughts.

Image Credit by Karolina Kaboompics

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