October 6, 2024

Tell me about yourself

News The Journal 2024

Tell me about yourself

By: Maggie Z


Hi! My name is Maggie. I am eleven years old and I’m heading into 7th grade. I have two younger siblings: an eight-year-old sister named Grace and a two-year-old brother named Jack. I live in San Jose and go to Old Orchard School.

Do you do anything outside of school?

Like most people in my grade, I do extracurricular activities. I swim at the Santa Clara Swim Club, practice martial arts at Song’s Kung Fu, and play piano.

What do you like and dislike?

I don’t like broccoli, fruit-and-veggie smoothies (which might sound good, but blend together kale, avocado, strawberries, chia seed, and some liquid and see if you like it yourself), and not having anything to do. However, I do like pasta, reading, pasta, writing, pasta, drawing, pasta, comic books, pasta, pillow fights, pasta, and hanging out with people in general. Did I mention pasta?
What’s it like being the oldest sibling?

Being the oldest kid in the house can occasionally be a big burden. I’m expected to help take care of my younger siblings and ‘lead them’ because they look up to me. Mostly, it’s fun. I don’t know how many times I’ve had plushie fights with Grace (screaming involved) or chased my lil’ bro through the sprinklers when they were spraying water that was meant to be for the grass (screaming involved). Other times, it’s not so much fun. My sister and I often disagree on which game to play, especially during summer break, even though we only know how to play cards and Monopoly. These disagreements usually end in heated debates or one getting smashed upside the head by an oversized couch cushion, but we smooth it over afterward, forget about it for a while, and then go back to arguing.

What do you think of yourself?

I firmly believe that I am an optimist!

Why is the first question crossed out?

I prefer a simpler approach. Life is all about simplicity, right…?

Is there anything else you would like to say?

Even though my sister and I have different opinions, we’re still great friends!

…Thank you, and have a great night!

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