October 7, 2024

The Cookie Monster, Chapter 2 Cookie Monster Chapter 1, recap

Creative Writing The Journal 2024

The Cookie Monster, Chapter 2 Cookie Monster Chapter 1, recap

By: Yutong Cai

Once there was a little Cookie Monster. He loved eating cookies. Or he did until one day a cookie sucked him into a paper world, where he sorta found out how to live by himself and met a paper tiger. For a few hours anyway. He returned to his own world by being sucked into another cookie.

Once he was home, Cookie Monster tried to forget about the paper world. He did his homework. He ate dinner. He even took out the trash. But all he could think about was going to the paper world. And since the first time he got to that world he was from being sucked into a cookie, Cookie Monster decided to try using a cookie again. But if he was going to the paper world, he needed to be prepared. He grabbed tons of cookies so he wouldn’t get hungry, then tried eating one of the cookies that looked like it would teleport him somewhere, a cookie with a glowy halo. Cookie Monster was blinded by the same piercing light again, when his vision returned, he was back in the forest made of paper.

Cookie Monster wandered around the paper world for a couple of hours, eating his cookies when he got hungry (of course, he ate the ones without a weird glow). Then suddenly all the trees and bushes and rainbow paper ground stopped, and in front of him was a seemingly endless plane of what looked like polished, flat wood. Then Cookie Monster saw a giant human hand, folding giant pieces of paper. A human was making the paper forest! But how did Cookie Monster end up here? Why was he so small? Or why were the people so big?

Before he had much time to wonder about these things, a booming voice called out, “Oh look! A cookie monster! I don’t remember folding this.” A giant hand reached for him. Panicking, Cookie Monster stuffed a glowing cookie into his mouth in desperation. Then, he was blinded again and went back to his own world.

Image Credit by Daisy Anderson

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