October 6, 2024

The Last Test

Creative Writing

The Last Test

By: Alice Dai

“Today, we’re taking the last test of the school year! Are you happy?” Irene asked Cooqie. She was super happy because after this, there were no more exams to study for and sit through! “DING, DING, DING, DING!” The bell rung as Irene and Cooqie went into their classroom.

Mr. Reger told everyone, “Today will be our last test. If you have any electronic devices, then please give them to me for the duration of the exam. If I catch anyone cheating, then I will take their paper and you will walk to the principal’s office immediately. Is that understood?”

“YES,” The class yelled back.

Mr. Reger handed everyone the paper. When Irene received the test, she looked at all the test questions and realized that she knew none of the answers.

“Ahrrr! There are so many questions I don’t know. How am I supposed to get 100?” Irene thought.

She was angry about the test, and then she thought, “hmm, should I cheat? Andrew is close to my table, maybe he’s too busy to notice.”

“DING, DING!” The bell rang and the class was silent. Irene peeked at Andrew’s paper, and she saw the answer for number 5.

“HAHA! I am so good at cheating! Maybe I will get 100. After all, Andrew is one of the top students!” Irene looked again, seeking out the answer to question 10. This question required a written response, unlike the other ones. Irene was very nervous. She thought, “What should I do? Hmmm I know I can copy Andrew’s response and then try to rephrase it in my own words!” As, she did that, Mr. Reger looked at Irene and said, “Good Job Irene, Good Job.” Irene looked at him and smiled “thanks.”

When Irene was done with all 10 questions, she grabbed the paper and placed it at Mr. Reger’s desk. “DING DING!” Everyone turned in their final exam, and just like that it was recess. “Oh, my cow! The test was so difficult What do you think?” Cooqie said.

Irene shrugged before she lied, “Meh it was okay.”

The announcement speaker called out “IRENE TAPOLD, GO TO THE PRINCIPAL OFFICE NOW!” Irene walked up to the stairs to the door where the principal is. “Irene, Andrew claims that you cheated on the exam by looking at his paper. Is this true?” Ms. Catface asked, “nononono, I did not c-c-cheat on him. It is the wrong thing to do of course.” Irene shuttered back.

“Clearly, Irene from the nervous tone of your voice, you are lying. Please do not cheat next time. Because you did, I will have to call your parents. I am disappointed in you, Irene.”


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