October 7, 2024

The Little Things in Life

News The Journal 2024

The Little Things in Life

By: Jerry Zhang

Every day, we wake up and have responsibilities: going to school, work, chores, etc. It’s the same repetitive routine we all have to go through. There may be occasional pauses where we can indulge in our preferred activities, but we know we have to return to our responsibilities eventually.

As we journey through life, it’s often the small, seemingly inconsequential moments that bring us joy. For instance, as you stroll down the street on a crisp autumn afternoon, you notice a particularly vibrant and crunchy-looking leaf. The satisfying sound it makes as it crunches beneath your feet brings a fleeting moment of happiness before you continue with your day.

Similar moments of joy can be found in the sight of a beautifully arched rainbow stretching across the sky as you drive down the road. Something that is slightly out of the ordinary can make a regular trip to the grocery store all the more memorable.

Or the beauty of a breathtaking sunset just outside your window. While studying for a test, take a moment to look outside , to witness. That momentary pause in your stress can be comforting, allowing your brain to take a break, even if it’s just for a moment.

All of these events will happen several times in our lives. It isn’t like we only witness one sunset in our life. Nevertheless, these small, fleeting moments break up each day’s monotony and make life more enjoyable.

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