October 7, 2024

The Question Quest

Creative Writing The Journal 2024

The Question Quest

By: Emila Zhang

In the foothills of Grayson, where the chestnut oak tree stood still, its shade hid a long-lost secret: a tiny village named Wellfield. The oak covered the town completely from above and around. Without anything from the outside world to bother the village, the village bloomed like wild poppies on the emerald green grass. But the peace and beauty soon became a terrible thing. That morning was just any other lively morning; the Chruch bells rang like there was no tomorrow and the quiet town square slowly began to fill up with people.

Across from the main square, there were the private gardens of the old Isidona Falcon. The villagers called her the Witch because of her rude and cold manner. She believed she was royal blood and thought she was the best. In her keeping were two girls: Esathlea Diana Jade Gingelly and Sussannie Grace Jade Ronnell. And those were not any two girls. They were special.

They were half-sisters with the same mother and were beautiful and kind. Esathlea (called Esa) had light skin and blond straight hair with hazel eyes. The villagers loved her bright appearance and were always kind to her. She loved math, reading, and doing paintings for the church. Sussannie (called Anne) had soft hazel-honey skin and silky black hair. She had a talent for planning. She was always prepared. She enjoyed singing and had written 3 books on history and music.

When they were 2 and 11 months old, Esa’s father died, and their mother, Jadea Mary Andrews, caught scarlet fever. With no one to take care of the children, Jadea sent the 2 girls to Isudina, Jadea’s old principal at her school. Isudina hated little children, so as soon as Esa and Anne could understand, she told them,

“I hate little children. Since I fed you and gave you a home, you two have to work to pay me back!”

From then on, the children did chores while Isudina sipped tea and ate sweets. Isudina somehow brainwashed the girls to like chores and called them “little brats.” Life was like that for 11 years until one day…

Image Credit by Leeloo The First

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