September 20, 2024

The Resistance and Alliance, Sequel to the Revolution and Misunderstanding

Arts & Culture The Journal 2024

The Resistance and Alliance, Sequel to the Revolution and Misunderstanding

By: Yi Chen

Before the war started, squirrels were on Leafers and were trading many things with humans smoothly. They had big competition, but they stayed at peace. The squirrels spread around Leafers and made many space stations, called S.S.S. (Squirrel Space Station). The squirrels made a big government, electing the best squirrels to become part of it. One day, a squirrel station reported that they were attacked. The squirrels on the green planet asked who was attacking, but the radio signal suddenly broke.

When all the squirrels heard the news, they broke into panic. The squirrels sent an army and the newest defense weapons for space, such as gravity guns, and told other stations to stay closer to Leafers. However, only 10 stations survived the newest attacks and retreated closely to Leafers. Best Squirrel Scientist Designer and Engineer (SSDE) Chippy, started the newest plan. He activated a ringlike machine, which ejected 10 tubes equally spaced and connected to all of the SSS.

The main tube on the ring connects to a supply center, which continuously provides supplies for the space stations, including new technology and software, food, and squirrel workers into the stations. Humans also reported attacks, and both squirrels and humans caught glimpses of something that looked like snakes.

They were very afraid and prepared for defense. The squirrels tried their hardest, but they eventually failed. All weapons clashed uselessly against them. They were losing. In the end, humans and squirrels combined allianced and created a protective boundary around the two planets. The snake civilization tried their hardest to break it, but they failed and went away.

After that, many were injured and needed to be treated. The squirrels and humans set up healing camps to treat the wounded. Many buildings were torn, and the people and squirrels designed better structures. Overall, the bonds between squirrels and humans strengthened.

Image Credit by Pixabay

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