By: Victoria Wong
Bluey is a children’s show that revolves around a small family of talking Australian dogs called the Heelers. Both parents and kids have taken a liking to this show, as it is entertaining and informational to both parties.
The parents in Bluey are named Bandit and Chilli, and they always try to be resourceful. Especially when the parents are tired and their kids want to play. In a season, Bluey asks if they can play a game, and Bluey’s dad responds, “As long as it’s one where I don’t have to move any part of my body or say anything with my mouth.”
Bandits voice actor, Dave McCormack, relates to his character alot! “There’s some episodes where he tries to invent games where he makes it so that he just lies on the couch and reads the newspaper or watches cricket. I find in real life as a dad, I try to invent games that involve me lying on the couch and watching TV as well.”
In an episode, Bluey’s little sister says that she’s “Too tired and can’t walk another step”. The Chilli creates a game for her, such as trying to race her sister or helping give a baby’s mom back a dropped pacifier. “I’m basically taking notes,” jokes Hasser, a mom of two children “like next time we take a walk, I’m going to use this, too.” Bluey has become a great fun and inspirational show to watch with families all around the world.