October 8, 2024

The Spy (Part 4)

Creative Writing

The Spy (Part 4)

By: Alyssa Hong

In Part 1-3 of The Spy, Alexander and Luna were sent out on a mission in Russia to stop whatever the Russian military was planning. After finding out their plan, they stop the threat, but set off an alarm by accident, leading to them being chased by guards, and lastly taking out six Russian guards and running to their plane.

After boarding the plane, Luna headed into the cockpit. Unlike traditional airplanes, the helicopter commander sits in the right seat. Of course, Alexander, being Alexander, didn’t know this. His father had once told him he was born lacking brain cells. And, even more embarrassingly, he had believed it. For three years. So, From grades one to three, he had told every one of his teachers exactly what his father had told him, convincing each one of his teachers of his “Disability”. So, of course, like the blockhead he was, he sat in the right seat. “So, I guess you’re the pilot for today, huh?” Asked Luna.

“What?” Alexander responded. Luna sighed, then proceeded to pull out her phone and searched: ‘Where does the commander sit in a helicopter’ on Google. Well, the spy version. The CIA had gotten them each the brand new phone. She then proceeded to

And, as she expected, in big, clear letters it said: “The pilot in command sits in the right seat of a helicopter, the reason is mostly historical, though there may be some operational advantage.”

“OH,” Alexander said before scrambling into the left seat.

“Yeah. That’s what I thought.” Said Luna.

“Sorry,” Alexander replied. Luna just rolled her eyes and got into the commander’s seat. Alexander did have some knowledge on plane and jet flying. Unfortunately, he only knew how to fly Russian air force versions. And the spies being American, came on an American model army helicopter. Alexander had only learnt how to fly Russian military aircrafts, not American. So, of course, Luna had to teach Alexander how to fly your average U.S military helicopter. After learning all the controls, they set out to China. The flight took about four hours and 30 minutes, but in the end, they arrived in Zhongnanhai, China. Luna took over and parked the aircraft in the private helicopter pad the CIA had rented for them. Luna had already formulated a plan in the time they had been in the air. Now, Luna was incredibly talented at camouflage—but not the type where you blend in with your surroundings, but, instead, she could completely change her personality. Using this, she could blend in with the Chinese people and spy on the leader through the tactic she had formulated. After discussing the plan, Alexander asked: “Wait. What do I do in this plan?” And, to that, Luna responded:

“Oh. You don’t do anything. Just stay in the hotel room.”

“WHAT?! THAT’S NOT FAIR!” Alexander responded.

“Well, life ain’t fair, so deal with it.” Luna said. Grumbling, Alexander agreed to the plan.

After spending a night at the Blue Moon Hotel, they put Luna’s plan into action. She put on some makeup, and after she was done, Alexander couldn’t even tell she was actually Filipino anymore. “Again, STAY HERE”,” Luna warned.

“Ok, Ok,” Alexander replied.

To Be Continued…

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