October 6, 2024

The Story of Cows That Made Friends with a Snail

Creative Writing

The Story of Cows That Made Friends with a Snail

By: Nathan Tse

One day, on a farm, a cow was just eating fresh grass and talking to his cow friends, because cows don’t really have anything else to do besides that. He found a snail while he was eating and said to the snail,
“Hello! Want some grass?”
“No thanks. I brought some lettuce from that place with a bunch of different delicious vegetables,” the snail said.
“Cool! Do you want to be me and the other cow’s friend?”
“Sure!” said the snail.

The cow showed his friends to the snail. They became good friends, and one day the farmer noticed the cows mooing to a snail. “Hmm. Weird friend, but I guess that’s better than a pig. I don’t want to have to wash the pigs and the cows,” he thought.

Then he realized that the snail was heading to his vegetable garden! The farmer realized that the snail was taking from his garden for food, so he fenced up the garden. The snail grew hungry because snails can’t eat grass. The cows broke through the fence so the snail can go in. When the farmer fenced it up again, the cows broke it again and wouldn’t give out milk. The farmer realized that if he were to keep selling milk, he needed to feed the snail too. So, he fenced the garden one last time, but planted flowers, a head of lettuce, put a tray full of seeds, and
he put a sign outside that said, “For snail.”.

Each morning, he would go to the snail food, look at what needed restocking, and he would restock it. When the snail saw this, he ate gleefully. The cows and the snail were thankful, and one day they walked up to the farmer. The farmer thought that they wanted the snail to be his pet. The farmer thought, “Why not?” He didn’t have any other pets. He took the snail in, made a little house for him in his house, and moved the snail food inside.

The snail appreciated this, although he just wanted to be friends. The cows were worried, but the next morning, the farmer brought the snail out for an hour, and the snail told the cows all about it. The cows and snail acted happy when the farmer came to take the snail back to the house. The farmer acted happy too, because he had a pet, now. The snail was happy, because he basically has a buffet now. The cows were happy because they knew that their friend was safe.

From that day on, the farmer would bring the snail out to the cow with some seeds and his breakfast so they could eat together, every single morning. They all lived happy lives.

Image Credit by Walter Coppola

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