October 7, 2024

The Tornado Hills

Creative Writing

The Tornado Hills

By: Jeremy Liu

Lucas and Max had another adventure. It started when Max discovered a treasure chest hidden between a big clump of boulders two days ago. The chest was quite small. In it was a well-preserved map. Lucas and Max took a whole day to convince Jake to let them go to the ‘X’ on the map.

Now they were on their way there, flying on their dragons.

The ‘X’ led them all the way across the Marine Sea, where hundreds of sea monsters, like the Loch Ness Monster and magical sea legends like the giant squid roamed and lived, alongside other strange and unique creatures and fish.

Following the ‘X’ further led them to the Magical Lands on the other side of the Marine Sea. There were many magical cities: Anaconda Jungle, Scorpion Desert, Tornado Hills, Lava Volcano, Leopard Forest, Megalodon Lake, and others.

The map led them to a pebble path, so they started following the path instead. It led them through the Anaconda Jungle, where they took some mangoes to eat for the trip. Then, over the Megalodon Lake, where they found some banana palms by the shore. Next, up Majesty Mountain, where they found some purple & green grapes to eat. Finally, into the Tornado Hills, the tip of Majesty Mountain, and the fifth farthest magical city. The path took them to the base of the tallest and biggest hill in all of Tornado Hills. But then at the base of the hill, where there was a giant clump of rocks and boulder, the path ended.

“That doesn’t make sense,” Max said, “The path goes straight into that clump of rocks.”

“There must be a door or something,” Lucas said.

He rested a hand on the wall. Suddenly, a secret door creaked opened, flashing blue light. A skull of a human came flying out and almost hit Max on the head.

“Gah!!!” they both shouted.

They both jumped back as a dozen of arrows suddenly came shooting out from the hole after the blue light stopped flashing. Monarch stamped his feet thrice, and a bush came out of the ground, blocking all the arrows. Then, it disappeared. Lucas, Max, and their dragons went in.

They encountered many dead ends and forks. However, there were painted arrows pointing them into the wrong direction. Everything was underground.

At one point, Max said, “This is spooky.”

Lucas replied, “I really wish you hadn’t said that, because I’m going to have nightmares.”

Finally, they came out into a clearing and saw a white and purple dragon with smooth scales as shiny as the sun, a bit younger than Monarch and Fireball.

“A wind dragon, shiny right?” Max whispered.

“Yeah, yeah…” Lucas whispered back.

Next to the wind dragon, there sat a girl. She stood up.

“Wait! Keep the door open!” she suddenly said. But it was too late. The door slammed shut.

She sighed, then said, “Hello, I am Helen, and here’s Windstorm. Welcome to my jail. I’ve become stuck in here because of my great ambition to explore. My tribe didn’t like that, and now they’re all gone. Plus, the door could only open from the outside, so now I’m trapped. The hole in the roof is too small for Windstorm. Please help me get out of here.”

“How will we get out of here?” Lucas asked.

“I just need a few things…” she said slowly.

“***” = wait for next book to find out

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