October 7, 2024

The Tree’s Story

On the Fitz

The Tree’s Story

By: April Yan

I once knew a tree that grew tall and straight,

and all day long, it waited and waited

for fall to come and for the leaves to turn brown.

The leaves then drifted down

while children shouted with glee,

“The tree has shed its leaves!”

as they ran around

singing and stomping upon the crisp, dry leaves.

As the children scattered, a cold breeze came

telling the tree that fall had ended

Next came winter,

the tree shaking with the wind on cold nights

till morning came

As the sun rose,

jack frost arrived for a visit,

Meanwhile, the tree stood tall,

glistening in the snow

its bare branches reaching for more,

with icicles forming along the tree,

looking like big clear diamonds,

The tree watched as children ran

building snowmen, and angels, laughing merrily.

Soon the snow melted,

and the birds started chirping

their sweet little songs, upon the branches of the tree, as to say,

“Attention, please, spring has come!”

Animals started to wake as ants marched forth,

and squirrels rushed by with great vigor.

Trees stretched their cold limbs,

and buds of leaves began to grow

its roots stretched down into the ground,

reaching for water.

Newborn leaves sprouted,

wishing to absorb in more sunlight,

as the tree thought,

“How wonderful it is to be in spring!

My leaves sway back and forth,

while my body grows taller and straighter.”

Finally, summer arrived

with the sun shining brighter than ever,

The tree was content

as it listened to the children sing,

and play on a swing built under a branch.

Dew drops hung from the green leaves of the tree,

the air moist and warm,

as crickets sang, full of joy,

and children ran about with checks red as roses.

Then, alas, returned fall

The leaves began to drop.

But the sweet memories of before

still remained unforgotten,

To this day, still stands the tree

and if you wish to see it

you will find it standing peacefully,

smiling with the sweet memories of before.

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