October 7, 2024

There is no Clear Winner in France Election

News The Journal 2024

There is no Clear Winner in France Election

By: Amy Qian

France’s latest election resulted in no clear winner, with no party earning an overall majority. In France, two rounds of voting are needed for elections. The first round happened on June 30, where the National Rally party came first. On the flip side, the second round resulted in the New Popular Front coming first, President Macron’s party next, and the National Rally party third.

There are seats in the French parliament, the National Assembly, just like the UK parliament. People vote for the candidate to have a seat in parliament. To govern, the party must have more seats than all other parties combined. There are 577 seats in the National Assembly, so a party needs at least 289 seats to govern. Currently, the New Popular Front holds the most seats. However, they don’t have enough for the majority. If no party has a majority, it is called a hung parliament. That means the winner would need other parties’ support before passing a law.

In France, the current president, Emmanuel Macron, will form the new government. The National Assembly will vote after, so a majority agreement is required. President Emmanuel Macron will have to work with the new government. His job won’t be affected because he still has 3 more years of presidency. However, it is still up to Macron to find a solution for the instability France faces.

Image Credit by Atypeek Dgn

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