October 6, 2024

Those Darn Orphans

Creative Writing

Those Darn Orphans

By: Connor Wahng

“Um, Johnny,” Alex hesitated, realizing the dark turn the conversation had taken. “I don’t hate orphans. That’s not true at all. Let me explain what happened that day.”

He took a deep breath, trying to compose himself. “When I was 12 years old, my family and I visited an orphanage during our vacation in New York. It was called Mother’s Embrace Orphanage, and unfortunately, it wasn’t in the best condition. As we spoke to the owner, something unexpected occurred.”

Alex continued, “A teenager, who appeared to be homeless, approached us without us noticing. In a shocking turn of events, he suddenly attacked my parents, stabbing them. I was terrified and overwhelmed with fear. With tears streaming down my face, I managed to escape from the scene as fast as I could, with the sound of his footsteps chasing after me.”

Alex paused for a moment, collecting his thoughts. “It was a traumatic experience for me, Johnny. I was scared and confused. But please understand that my reaction that day was a result of fear and survival instinct. It had nothing to do with hating orphans. It was a tragic incident, and it shaped my perspective on certain things.”

Alex looked at Johnny, hoping he would comprehend the complexity of the situation. “Not every situation is black and white, Johnny. It’s important to consider the context and the emotions people go through. I don’t hate orphans, and I’m sorry if it seemed that way. It was a difficult time in my life, and it’s something I’m still trying to process.”

Johnny listened attentively; his innocent eyes filled with understanding. “I’m sorry for what happened to your parents, Alex. I didn’t know.”

Alex smiled warmly at Johnny. “Thank you, Johnny. It means a lot. Sometimes, life throws unexpected challenges at us, and it’s how we respond to them that defines us. I’ve learned a lot from that experience, and I try my best to approach things with empathy and understanding.”

As they continued their conversation, Alex couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief, knowing that he had opened up and cleared the air with Johnny. It was a reminder that true understanding could bridge gaps and heal wounds, even in the most difficult of circumstances.

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