July 7, 2024

To Watch or Not to Watch?

Letter for the Editor

To Watch or Not to Watch?

Dear Mrs. Swisher,

I am writing this letter because I want to address the subject of returning to the movies. Many people (including myself) will have disagreements about your article, especially the part about the business spectrum not being able to return to what it was before.

I think this idea has extreme significance because we, as Americans, like to believe that we can become better. We always heal, stronger than ever, from past hardships. Take World War II, for example. It took a very long time, but we managed to pull through and become the world’s greatest superpower. If anything, the war taught us many things and lessons we never knew. Even the American Revolution, America’s first war, brought in us Americans a fire we never knew existed, and a fire that gave us the strength and determination to move ever onward.

I think as Americans, we need to cooperate together. We need to band together as a country, and also as a world of people to step up and find a way to bring our lives back to normal, if not better. We have the technology to advance further. China recently made a huge scientific breakthrough and created the first manmade star. We must repair our relationships with other advanced countries and use our combined knowledge to gain more knowledge.

Best wishes,

Andrew Guan

Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/10/opinion/sunday/hbo-max-streaming-covid-diesel.html

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