September 20, 2024

Trump Falsely Accuses Harris of Manipulating Photos With AI

News The Journal 2024

Trump Falsely Accuses Harris of Manipulating Photos With AI

By: Ben Xu

August 11, 2024 — Donald J. Trump, the former U.S. President, claimed on Truth Social that the crowds in photos depicting Kamala Harris’ events were the works of AI.

Thousands of people watched the events held by Kamala Harris, the Vice President of the U.S. One event occurred after Harris arrived in Detroit, where an immense crowd witnessed the landing. However, Trump believed this crowd was fake, saying that Harris “A.I.’d” the photos depicting the event.

Trump also said on social media, “Look, we caught her with a fake ‘crowd.’ There was nobody there!” Trump made this claim with no evidence whatsoever, only attaching the photo of the enormous crowd. Harris added a tweet to the claim, saying that the photo was actually real.

Additionally, many sources contradicted Trump’s claim. News channels, live streams, photos, and videos all displayed an actual crowd in Detroit. More specifically, these sources included the New York Times, Forbes, Rolling Stone, Detroit Free Press, Mlive, the Detroit News, the AP, and Getty Images. These sources said that “about 15,000 people filled the hangar,” and the crowd was “spilling out onto the tarmac and cheering as Air Force Two arrived.”

Recently, Trump has failed to find his political footing. Ever since Biden dropped out of the race, many (including Kamala Harris in a social media tweet) might wonder why his productivity in gaining support has decreased. Trump did not have a single rally in any swing state last week but instead had an event in Montana. There, Trump showed huge frustration at Ms. Harris’ crowds, bragging that “nobody’s spoken to crowds bigger than” him.


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