October 8, 2024

Turning Eleven

Creative Writing

Turning Eleven

By: Kaitlyn Zhou

This was it. It would officially be the best day ever. Why, you ask? Today is not only the last day of school, but also my birthday! After 3 hours, I would be free from homework, long boring lectures about earth’s spheres, and writing paragraphs to pages until my whole arm was sore. And then, I would come home to my momma making a cake and my favorite dinner.

That’s what I thought as I laid in bed, waiting for my alarm to ring. I couldn’t help grinning from ear to ear until my cheeks started to hurt. It was my birthday, and even though I didn’t really feel eleven, that was okay. I started to wonder when my clock was going to ring.

I stared at the ceiling wall with all the pink bunnies I painted when I was younger. I should probably get rid of that, I thought, as it was probably too baby-ish for me.

“BZZ.” As soon as I heard the noise, I jumped out of bed and immediately changed out of my pajamas. I hadn’t been this excited for school since…forever!

“Olivia! Are you awake?” Oliver, my brother, said, bursting into the room.

“As you can see, I am.” I replied, rolling my eyes. “And besides, ever heard of knocking?”

“Nope, but if you continue rolling your eyes like that, they’re likely to fall out,” Oliver said bluntly. “Oh yeah, happy birthday sis.”

Just as I was about to say thanks, Oliver just turned around and slammed the door behind him. I stood there for a second and rolled my eyes again.

“Weirdo.” I murmured as I continued to get ready.

I ran down the stairs as I realized that I was a bit slower on schedule than I anticipated. Dad had already left for work, so I grabbed a piece of bread from the loaf and stuffed it in my mouth.

“Oh goodness, you’re still here? The bus is outside, go, go!” Mom rushed, as she pushed me out the door. “And happy birthday!” I would’ve said thanks, but the door slammed and I couldn’t miss the bus and be late for school on the last day.

I raced onto the bus and jumped on right when the doors were about to close. The bus driver, Cynthia, just looked at me like I was insane and started the engine. I looked at her dumbfounded, but just made my way to my original seat. The bus was honestly the same as usual- dirty, stinky, and incredibly loud. I couldn’t wait for school to be over, and one of the reasons was definitely the bus.

As I approached my seat at the end of the bus, it wasn’t empty. Some ugly kid had taken my seat. Normally, I would’ve asked him to move but seeing him rub his butt was a sight for sore eyes. I just sighed and sat on another empty seat. I took a deep breath and in my mind I repeated to myself, It’s okay. One more ride and it’s all over. Momma’s cooking a cake tonight and it’ll be all good.

After a long 10 minutes, we arrived at school. It was full of balloons and “See you next year!” billboards. I just scoffed at the fact that I was graduating and I was definitely not going to miss this elementary school.

I headed to my classroom where the bell rang and class started. Well, I wouldn’t really call it class because the rest of the day would be fun, fun, and fun! Just, not the fun you would think. Since my teacher, Mrs. Avins, doesn’t celebrate birthdays, neither does our class. I realized that when I sat at my desk and Mrs. Avins just glided right past without a wish of happy birthday or whatever. I also had a small feeling my friends didn’t remember.

It’s okay. Momma’s cooking a cake tonight and it’ll be all good. I repeated that in my head, hoping to hide the bad thoughts away.

“Olivia Roberts.” Mrs. Avins said, but to me it sounded more like a bellow. I don’t know how there was still room for me to feel upset, but I guess there just was.

“Y-yes?” I replied, with a shake in my voice. I didn’t know what she was calling me out for, but I knew it wasn’t something good. Mrs. Avins is NOT a nice teacher and she would only call you out if you were in trouble.

“How come you and Rebecca have the exact same answers on the test?” Mrs. Avins inquired, as Rebecca and I both turned rock solid.

“I don’t know, Mrs. Avins,” I shudder. Though, in my mind I just thought that maybe it was just because we were solving the same exact problems???!! I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at Mrs. Avins, who took it way too seriously.

“Don’t you roll your eyes at me. I’m giving you a Fail!” Mrs. Avins shouts, as the whole classroom seems to tremble.

I knew I didn’t cheat. But if I denied, Mrs. Avins would just get angrier. I stared at my classmates, then stared down at my desk. I hoped that this was all a nightmare. I would wake up and have the day of my life. I closed my eyes and prayed.

When I lifted my head up, Mrs. Avins was still glaring right at me, and seemed even angrier for the fact I closed my eyes. I guess she thought I was ignoring her or something.

“I-” I said, trying to defend myself but Mrs. Avins just interrupted me.

“Don’t you talk back at me!” Mrs. Avins yelled. “Detention!”

The whole class fell silent as I could feel my eyes watering up. I was going to spend the last few hours of school in detention, and I was probably alone since everybody else was having fun on the last day of school.

“Well? Hussle!” Mrs. Avins said sternly. I packed up my things and exited the room. As tears strolled down my face, I heard Mrs. Avins murmur to herself something. I wasn’t quite sure what she said, but I’m sure it was about me, and it wasn’t good.

I made my way to the detention room, and the correctional officer just gave me a cold eye. I scanned the room for any other students who could’ve been in the same situation as me, but nobody was to be seen. Great, I thought. Now I was going to be not only humiliated, but also lonely. I sat down and buried my face in my arms.

After an hour or so, the bell rang and I exited the detention room.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” Scarlet, my best friend, screamed as I exited the detention room.

“Gah! You scared me!” I shrieked. But deep down, I was a bit relieved that someone remembered my birthday. It was disappointing she wasn’t in my class, but we still hung out at Recess and after school.

“I heard the news about Mrs. Avins. I’m so sorry, she can really be a jerk sometimes right?” Scarlet said, and patted my back. I wanted to break down in tears but I wouldn’t want to seem like a wimp in front of her.

“It’s really okay,” I said, forcing a weak smile on my face.

Scarlet looks at me a bit concerned. She really was a great friend. “You know what?” she said. “I know what’ll cheer you up!” She then grabbed a box wrapped in purple paper from her backpack and handed it to me. “Open it at home,” she whispered. “It’s even purple, your favorite color, right?”

“Yeah! Thanks!” I said. Scarlet hugged me tight and runs off.

“Sorry, I gotta go! Bye! I’ll see you soon!” she yelled from afar.

I weakly wave at her and climb up the bus. My seat was taken again, so I had to sit next to a kid I didn’t know. He also seemed to be a little off since he was playing with gum and using it as nail polish.

As disgusted as I was, I remembered one thing.

Today was my eleventh birthday. It was not only the last day of school, but momma was waiting at home with a delicious cake. I didn’t quite feel eleven, but I know I was.

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