July 2, 2024

U.S. Now Requires All U.K. Travelers To Have A Negative Coronavirus Test

On the Fitz

U.S. Now Requires All U.K. Travelers To Have A Negative Coronavirus Test

By Andrew Chan

On December 24th, 2020, The Center Of Disease Control and Prevention has just announced that travelers from the U.K. must show a negative Coronavirus test to be able to get on a plane to come to the U.S. This testing will help America improve their health and to help protect those already inside America from the new Coronavirus variant that is found specifically in the U.K. This new Coronavirus variant contains 17 mutations that are easier to transmit than the Coronavirus. Still, one question arises, how does America test U.K. travelers? Well, passengers must get a special test that can detect infections within three days of their flight and must present within 72 hours of the flight. The CDC has decided that this will happen on Christmas day and will be in effect on December 28, 2020.



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