October 8, 2024

Unabomber Ted Kaczynski Found Dead at 81 Years of Age


Unabomber Ted Kaczynski Found Dead at 81 Years of Age

By: Jingwei Zhao

Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber, was one of the most dangerous criminals on the planet, and he recently passed away at the age of 81. In is name, the “Un” stands for university, and the “a” stands for airlines represented two main places where he set bombs to attack victims. His chilling stories and morals would send shivers down the officers and investigators trying to catch him. His arrogance yet slyness was something out of a comic book, and his ability to cover his tracks was beyond incredible. A Harvard Graduate and former professor at UC Berkley, he was clearly intelligent. He had a talent for craftsmanship, but he used his abilities in twisted ways that some find unimaginable.

Kaczynski would think of diabolical ways to murder people, and his ability to make weapons or bombs out of the most common household materials provided him with cheap but deadly bombs or weapons. using widely found chemicals, lamp cords, and roofing nails, he could easily make a killer contraption, literally. He was so infamous that the FBI spent over $50 million dollars to capturing him, with an additional one-million-dollar bounty on him. Kaczynski would leave false clues toying with his investigators and leaving many fearing for their lives.

In 1985, Kaczynski unleashed his first bomb, taking the life of computer store owner Hugh Scrutton. Nine years later, he killed public relations executive Thomas Mosser who opened one of Kaczynski’s letters in the mailbox, a method Ted would repeat to kill California Forestry Assn. President Gilbert Murray one year later. Ted showed no remorse to the people he killed, and hated it when his victims survived with minor injuries. For example, when Ted attacked graduate researcher John Harris by mailing him a mystery box, Kaczynski was greatly disappointed to learn that Harris was only treated for cuts and was not more seriously injured. He wanted his victims to perish and die after dropping his bombs on them, showing his psychotic nature.

When Kaczynski was a little boy, no one would have suspected that he would become one of the deadliest bombers the world has ever seen. Ted was a child prodigy, and most of his peers would know him for intelligence far beyond his years. “Ted was quietly solving open problems and creating new mathematics,” said former classmate Joel H. Shapiro. “It was as if he could write poetry while the rest of us were struggling to learn grammar. When Ted grew older, he became more deranged, leading to his brother worrying about his mental health. When his brother read the letters from Ted and a manifesto on the bomber, he noticed that both texts included the phrase “cool-headed logicians”, signaling that Ted was the killer.

After giving the investigators his evidence that Ted Kaczynski was the bomber, they were able to find and arrest him. Immediately they knew that they found the culprit because his place was surrounded with data and information on bomb chemistry. When sent to court, Ted pleaded guilty to all accusations, sparing him from execution. However, he was given eight life sentences. Some people admired his wicked morals, and were his “fans.” When he learned about his supporters, he was flattered but largely unimpressed. He thought, “A lot of these people are just irrational.” He died on the ninth of June, 2023, and was found around 8:00 a.m. at his prison’s medical facility. The cause of death has yet to be unidentified, but his chilling legacy will always be remembered.

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