October 6, 2024


Creative Writing


By: Claire Zhou

Day 1

Today is my daughter Lea’s first day in kindergarten. I’m feeling a bit tense because she never went to preschool or got along with kids her age. I make sure to prepare her favorite dishes for dinner.

When she got home, I ask her, “How was school?”

Lea beams at me, “It was great! The teacher is really nice, her name is Mrs. Johnson,” she says, “I also made a friend named Diana and she’s the best!”

“That’s wonderful!” I respond, relieved that things went just fine, “now go wash your hands, dinner’s ready. You can tell me everything that happened while we eat.”

“Okay!” Lea replies and scurries down the hall to the bathroom.

I quickly finish setting up the table just as Lea comes and sits down. “So, what did you learn today?” I ask her.

“Not a lot, we did some really **** boring activities.” Lea replies.

“WOAH, where did you learn that word?!” I stare at her blankly.

“Diana taught me!” She says.

“I don’t think I want you playing with her,” I tell her. “She doesn’t seem like a good influence on you.”

Lea suddenly snaps and yells, “NO! SHE’S MY FRIEND!”

“Hey, I don’t like that tone!” I say, sternly.

“But Diana is my friend! I can’t leave her!! I promise I won’t say those words anymore!!” She wails.

I sigh and say, “Fine, just saying, whatever she does, doesn’t mean you should do it too. Got it?”

“Yes, got it.” Lea mutters.

Neither of us utter a word for the rest of dinner. How did Diana even learn those words? What if Diana keeps influencing Lea? And why did Lea start yelling like that all of a sudden? I’ve never heard her shout or raise a word at me… As I snap back to reality, Lea already left and was now watching TV. I get up, walk over to the sink, and start doing the dishes.

Day 2

“Mommy, mommy! Guess what! Today, we did fingerpainting and Diana painted on the classroom wall!” Lea giggles.

“What? Did she get in trouble?!” I ask.

“Yep! The teacher said something about property damage or something but you know what the funniest part was?!” She explains, bouncing around me.

“What was the funniest part?” I ask, with a raised eyebrow.

“When the teacher came to stop her, she drew on the teacher!!”

“Oh geez, what happened next?”

“Diana got sent to the principal’s office and got a “warning,” Lea continues, “If you get three warnings, you get suspended. That’s what Diana said at least!”

“I see…” I bite my lip, unsure of what to say.

“Don’t worry, I did as you said. I didn’t do what Diana did.” Lea smiles at me.

“Good job..?” I reply.

“Oh yeah! Also, there’s going to be an “open house” at the end of this week!” she explains, “It’s when parents come to see how the kids are doing!”

“Oh really? That’s nice, I’ll definitely be there!” I tell her. This way, I’ll be able to meet Diana’s parents and see who they are, I think to myself.

Day 3

“You won’t believe what happened today!!” Lea squeals.

“What happened?” I smile lightly at her.

“Diana punched a kid!!” She says, gasping.

“What?! Is the kid okay?! Why’d she punch her?!” I ask, in shock. A 5 year old punching another child?!

“It was because the kid wouldn’t let Diana borrow his crayons. So she shoved them into his pants and punched him.” Lea says, “Except, the teachers came before Diana could punch him again.”

“I see… Still, punching a kid? That’s way too much.” I reply. Thank god tomorrow is the open house, I can’t wait to meet their parents, I have so many questions.

Day 4 (Open house)

I enter the classroom and scan around the room looking for anyone that resembles Diana’s parents. As I walk around, Mrs. Johnson comes over to me.

“Hello, you’re Lea’s mom, correct?” Mrs. Johnson asks.

“Yes, yes, yes I am.” I respond, “Call me Linda.”

“Ah yes, I wanted to talk with you, regarding Lea’s behavior.” Mrs. Johnson explains, “She’s been acting very…”

I cut her off, “Oh yes, that’s what I also wanted to talk to you about. You see, I don’t think I’m all that comfortable with my daughter and Diana being in the same class. I know they’re friends but, you know, with all the bad things Diana does, I’m afraid it might influence Lea.”

Mrs. Johnson stares at me, and slowly starts speaking, “I’m, I’m sorry? We don’t have a “Diana” in our class.

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