October 5, 2024

Water Scarcity is Kind of Scary


Water Scarcity is Kind of Scary

By: Isabella Wong

We drink and use water every day, but are we all aware of the water shortages currently happening around the world? As the world population increases, the rate at which people use water increases as well.

In the summer of 2020, with 40/50 states in a water shortage, a drought was declared in America, which caused a number of issues, inclusing wildfires spreading across the west.

According to UCLA’s research website, more than 9,900 wildfires occurred in 2020, burning around 4 million acres of land. These wildfires also killed 31 people and damaged over 10,000 buildings. Additionally, it has left the once bright, blue skies surrounded by gray and black smoke. Officials predict that the wildfires might throw off the balance of the air quality for the next decade or so, according to Los Angeles Times, The carbon pollution from those many fires got rid of 16 years worth of California’s greenhouse production, which is used

Those fires aren’t just an issue of the past. National Geographic researchers estimate that in around 50 years, the world’s water supply is likely to drop by a third! This will not only likely lead to more fires, but will cause additionalserious issues. At the rate people are using water, researchers also estimated that, by 2071, there will not be enough water to fulfill everyone’s needs. In other words, the world would not have enough water for everyone to drink, wash their hands, water their plants, and more.

Without the supply to maintain proper hygiene, severe diseases like cholera or typhoid fever can spread around and make all 2.4 billion people living on Earth sick. Everyone can maintain proper hygiene if we conserve enough water to make it happen.

All and all, we should learn to conserve the water we have while we have it. Even the smallest drops of water saved can add up to make a great difference. Everyone can help by taking shorter showers, turning off the water when it’s not being used, turning off the sprinklers, and more. Everyone can overcome this issue if they come together as a community and do their part.

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