October 5, 2024

What’s in the box?

Creative Writing

What’s in the box?

By: Alvin Fang

It’s recess time and I’m on the playground. I look around and see a box! It is big as a bush, it is a cube and it was red! Why and how did the box get there? I don’t know if I should open it or not because it might explode or something dangerous like that.

“Open it,” says a voice in my head. I listen to the voice, even though it usually isn’t smart. Inside I see a remote control. I guess I win a TV? Or I win a remote for my current TV? I’m confused but I’ll take a remote. Then I realize that I couldn’t use the remote for my current TV, so I guess I win a TV. Then the box disappeared.

Two months later…

I guess it’s not true that I win a TV. All hope seemed lost until recess today. I see the box again and I open it and it has a note that says: “Roses are Red, Violets are blue, use the remote, to travel to 1902”. 1902. 1902! 1902!! TO TRAVEL TO 1902! It’s a TIME MACHINE!! So I press 1, 9, 0, 2 then enter and disappear.

When I arrive in the year 1902 I see the box again! Inside, there is a note that says: “Use it wisely, if you change the past you change the future.” I guess I’m not supposed to do anything crazy like throwing a lemon pie at someone or else they might find me, so I travel back to 2022.

5 days later…

I’m getting the hang of this time machine thing because every time I accidentally say that I have it, I just go back in time and do not say it. Plus I can cheat on tests by going back in time and knowing the answers! Also, tomorrow is my Birthday. At recess today, the box was not there. Just like the past 5 days, but the mark of the box was there just UNLIKE the past 5 days. This was odd.

All of a sudden, I see the box appear again, so I open it, and inside there is a ruby-handled diamond blade with a bow and explosive arrows so I take not noticing that everybody is gone all of a sudden.

Rumble, Rumble, Rumble, Rumble I hear from behind the school. CRASH! HISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. I see it. It’s a snake. A Black Mamba. One of the most dangerous ones. I run towards it and shoot an exploding arrow. It seems to do nothing. The snake hits me with his tail and I fall back. Then the box appears, and I open it. It has a gemstone and on the box is a place to enter the gem so I put it into the place and the box transforms into a blob and surrounds the snake with green ooze and when the ooze is done the snake is gone.

Then everything turns black. I wake up. It was a dream and right next to me was a box. (Inside it was a birthday present because it was my birthday, as I mentioned before.)

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