By: Alice Yang
Never eat wild strawberries. It’s a simple rule. Why? Because….
I ate them once and had a belly tumble*.
When you eat them, you get wilderness wild!
I hope you never do this, but if you eat a wild strawberry, then eat something gross, you get double tummy trouble and a big Blech! And Ugh! And Persnickety Bluh, Bluh, Glub. (You throw up)
When you eat them, just like that you get wilderness wild!
Just don’t buy wild strawberries!
You get it!
Do you not?
Did your brain feel like it got tired but tried?
Now that’s the end of that. If you end up with tummy trouble, think about what I said.
* A belly tumble is when your belly fumbles and fumbles like two tomatoes squishing together.